Turning Non-Dilutive Funding into a Strategic Source of Funding

Non dilutive R&D funding – mainly multibillion programs of Federal agencies – has become a major player in the life science finance industry. Today more than ever, NIH, DOD, NSF, CDC and dozens of other agencies, both federal and private, support biological and medical preclinical and clinical activities in all fields and scopes of research and development. Funds for individual projects range from <$150K for early stage research, through $1-2M for standard hypothesis-driven and product development grants, to large scale funding opportunities of up to $100M and more. The estimated total annual budget allocated for such funding opportunities is over $60B. Each year, these funding agencies release hundreds of solicitations, requesting applications in areas that address topics of importance to public health. In addition, most funds are granted to investigator-initiated, unsolicited research.

Grants and contracts have thus become a conceivable and often preferred option for translational research, product development, pipeline broadening, industry-academia collaborations, clinical trials and more. Their importance makes them a strategic source of funding for startup and mature companies, and even leading pharmaceutical companies. Accordingly, given the increased demand for such funds, a need for a professional and methodological approach that will allow every company to maximize its funding potential has arisen.

FreeMind Group, with its over 14 years of experience, highly motivated, skilled team, can help you make the most of this substantial opportunity. Our team helps you devise and execute a long term strategy to consolidate your research goals into distinct, focused projects and find the most appropriate opportunities to maximize your funding potential.